Leadership is a program by invitation only. We have leadership programs for both children and adults. Those who show a uniquely strong work ethic and aptitude for the conceptual framework underlying Shaolin wing chun are potentially invited to learn the leadership curriculum where a knowledge base is taught to the student that is not available to those in the general program. As a result, we have extra classes specifically for these students, including personal training with Master Noaks himself.
Dedicated students in the leadership program have the opportunity to enroll in our Blacksash and Instructor Certification programs where one becomes an assistant instructor striving to become certified as a Sifu through the Ving Tsun Museum. Here you enter the inner fold of Shaolin Wing Chun and are a direct personal student of Master Noaks.
Features and Benefits of the Leadership Program
Students must be recommended by two Assistant instructors and must be approved by Master Noaks to receive an invitation to this program.